investors हमेशा Investment option को Search करते रहते है, कुछ investors- Listed Stocks, Bonds, Cash, Property जैसे traditional Investing options को चुनते है, लेकिन AIF यानी alternative investment fund उन सभी investors के लिए एक बहुत ही बढ़िया Investing Option है, जो अपने Fund को अच्छी और Risk Free investment करना चाहते है, आइये AIF क्या है और AIF Full form से जुडी हुई सभी जानकारी विस्तार में जानेगे.
AIF क्या है | What is AIF Full Form In hindi
AICI का Full Form “Alternative Investment Fund” होता है, हिंदी में ACS का मतलब “अल्टरनेटिव इन्वेस्टमेंट फंड” होता है. यह एक Fund है, जिसे सेबी रेगुलेशन 2012 के तहत operate किया जाता है, AIF में Privet Investors अपनी पूंजी को invest करते है, अब यह जरूरी नहीं है की Investors भारत का ही हो इसके investor foreign country के भी हो सकते है.
AIF Funds के प्रकार – Types of AIF Funds
Alternative Investment Fund को तीन कैटेगरी में बाँटा गया है-
इस कैटेगरी के Fund को Startups और Early Stage Venture या फिर वैसे Sectors में जहाँ सरकार को लगता है, की यह Socially और Economically व्यवहार्य है, इस प्रकार के फंड को सरकार से इंसेंटिव मिलता है, CATEGORY – I AIFs के कुछ Example है जैसे Angel Funds, Social Venture Funds, Infrastructure Funds, Venture Capital Funds, SME Funds इत्यादि आते है.
इस कैटेगरी के Funds को दैनिक जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए Use किया जाता है, इन Funds के साथ कोई भी Borrowing activity नहीं की जा सकती है, और इसमे कोई भी Incentive या Concession सरकार या Regulator से नहीं मिलता है. इसमे Private Equity Funds, Debt Funds इत्यादि आते है.
इन Funds का Use Short Turm Returns को ध्यान में रखकर Tred किया जाता है. CATEGORY – III AIFs के Funds पर कोई भी Incentive या Concession सरकार या Regulator से नहीं मिलता है, Hedge funds इसके उदहारण है, यह एक प्रकार का Open Ended Fund होता है. Open Ended का मतलब वैसे invest से होता है, जिसमे investors कभी भी पैसे इन्वेस्ट कर सकते है, और कभी भी निकाल सकता है, यहाँ कोई भी fixed tenure नहीं होता है,
All Important Banking & Financial Full Form List
Acronym | Full Form |
ACS | Automated Clearing System |
ADR | American Depositary Receipt |
AEPS | Aadhaar Enabled Payments Switch |
AIC | Agricultural Insurance Company |
AICI | Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India |
AIF | Alternative Investment Fund |
AIR | Assumed Interest Rate |
ALCO | Asset Liability Committee |
ALM | Asset Liability Management |
AMC | Annual Maintenance Contract |
AMFI | Association of Mutual Funds in India |
AMFL | Association of Mutual Funds in India |
AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
ANBC | Adjusted Net Bank Credit |
APBS | Aadhaar Payment Bridge System |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APL | Above Poverty Line |
APM | Administered Pricing Mechanism |
APR | Annual Percentage Rate |
ARC | Asset Reconstruction Company |
ARDR | Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief |
ARM | Adjustable Rate Mortgage |
ASBA | Application Supported by Block Amount |
ASEAN | Association of South-East Asian Nations |
ASEM | Asia-Europe Meeting |
ATM | Automatic Teller Machine |
BCBS | Basel Committee for Banking Supervision |
BCBS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
BCSBI | Banking Codes and Standards Board of India |
BIFR | Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction |
BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards |
BOE | Bill of Exchange |
BOLT | BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) On-Line Trading |
BOP | Balance of Payments |
BOT | Build, Operate and Transfer |
BSCS | Business Support Control System |
BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange |
BSR | Basic Statistical Returns |
CA | Chartered Accountant |
CABE | Central Advisory Board of Education |
CACP | Commission of Agriculture Cost and Price |
CAD | Current Account Deficit |
CAG | Comptroller and Auditor General of India |
CAMELS | Capital Assets Management Earnings Liquidity Systems |
CAO | Chief Accounting Officer |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditures |
CAR | Capital Adequacy Ratio |
CARE | Credit Analysis & Research |
CASA | Current And Savings Accounts |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
CBDT | Central Board of Direct Taxes |
CBLO | Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations |
CBS | Core Banking Solution |
CCEA | Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs |
CC | Cash Credit |
CCI | Competition Commission of India |
CCIL | Clearing Corporation of India limited |
CCL | Cash Credit Limit |
CD | Certificate of Deposit |
CVV | Card Verification Value |
CDB | Caribbean Development Bank |
CDBS | Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics |
CDM | Clean Development Mechanism |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDR | Corporate Debt Restructuring |
CDS | Credit Default Swap |
CDSL | Central Depository Services Limited |
CECA | Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement |
CEPA | Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement |
CFA | Chartered Financial Analyst |
CFM | Certified Financial Manager |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFRA | Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts |
CGRA | Currency and Gold Revaluation Account |
CHOGM | Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting |
CIA | Certified Internal Auditor |
CIBIL | Credit Information Bureau India Limited |
CII | Confederation of Indian Industry |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CISA | Certified Information Systems Auditor |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species |
CITU | Centre Of Indian Trade Unions |
CMA | Credit Monitoring Analysis |
CMA | Certified Management Accountant |
CMIS | Currency Management Information System |
CMO | Chief Marketing Officer |
CMP | Common Minimum Program |
COB | Close of Business |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant |
CPFF | Commercial Paper Funding Facility |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPP | Certified Payroll Professional |
CRAR | Capital to Risk (Weighted) Assets Ratio |
CRILC | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits |
CRISIL | Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited |
CRMD | Credit Risk Management Department |
CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio |
CSE | Centre for Science & Environment |
CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
CSO | Central Statistical Organization |
CSO | Chief Security Officer |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility |
CST | Central Sales Tax |
CTC | Cost To Company |
CTI | Country Threat Index |
CTS | Cheque Truncation System |
CTT | Commodities Transaction Tax |
CVC | Central Vigilance Commission |
DA | Daily Allowance |
DAP | Development Action Plan |
DBOD | Department of Banking Operations and Development |
DCA | Department of Company Affairs |
DCB | Demand Collection and Balance |
DDS | Data Dissemination Standards |
DLF | Delhi Land and Finance |
DMIC | Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor |
DPEP | District Primary Education Program |
DPG | Deferred Payment Guarantee |
DPN | Demand Promissory Note |
DRAT | Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal |
DRI | Differential Rate Of Interest |
DSBB | Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board |
DSCR | Debt Service Coverage Ratio |
DTAA | Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement |
DVP | Delivery Versus Payment |
EADB | East African Development Bank |
EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
ECA | Essential Commodity Act |
ECB | External Commercial Borrowings |
ECC | Excise Control Code |
ECGC | Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation |
EDF | Export Development Fund |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDMU | External Debt Management Unit |
EDP | Entrepreneurship Development Program |
EEA | Exchange Equalization Account |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEFC | Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency |
EFR | Exchange Fluctuation Reserve |
EFTPOS | Electronic Funds Transfer at Point Of Sale |
EGOM | Empowered Group of Ministers |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
ELSS | Equity Linked Saving Scheme |
EMS | European Monetary System |
EOD | End of the Day |
EPFO | Employees Provident Fund Organization |
EPOS | Electronic Point Of Sale |
EPS | Earnings per Share |
ERNet | Educational and Research Network |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacify |
ESI | Employees State Insurance |
ESMA | Essential Services Maintenance Act |
ESOP | Employee Stock Ownership Plan |
ETF | Exchange Traded Funds |
EU | European Union |
EXIM | Export-Import(Bank of India) |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization |
FCA | Foreign Currency Assets |
FCCB | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond |
FCEB | Foreign Currency Exchangeable Bonds |
FCNR | Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable account deposits |
FCNRA | Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
FEDAI | Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India |
FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
FERA | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act |
FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry |
FII | Foreign Institutional Investors |
FIMMDA | Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association |
FINO | Financial Inclusion Network & Operations Limited |
FIPB | Foreign Investment Promotion Board |
FMCG | Fast Moving Consumer Goods |
FOB | Free on Board |
FOF | Flow Of Funds |
FOREX | Foreign Exchange |
FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investment |
FPO | Follow on Public Offer |
FRA | Forward Rate Agreement |
FRB | Federal Reserve Board |
FRBM | Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management |
FRN | Floating Rate Note |
FSRASC | Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee |
FSSA | Food Safety and Standards Authority (Of India) |
FTA | Free Trade Area |
GAAR | General Anti Avoidance Rule |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GBP | Great Britain Pound |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GDR | Global Depositary Receipt |
GEF | Global Environment Fund |
GFD | Gross Fiscal Deficit |
GFS | Government Finance Statistics |
GIC | General Insurance Corporation |
GIRO | Government Internal Revenue Order |
GLS | Generalized Least Squares |
GMS | Gold Monetization Scheme |
GNIE | Government Not Included Elsewhere |
GNP | Gross National Product |
GoI | Government of India |
GPD | Gross Primary Deficit |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GSM | Global Services for Mobile |
GST | Goods and Service Tax |
HDI | Human Development Index |
HUDCO | Housing and Urban Development Corporation |
HUF | Hindu Undivided Family |
IAAI | International Airport Authority Of India |
IAAS | Indian Audit and Accounts Service |
IADB | Inter American Development Bank |
IADF | International Agricultural Development Fund |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAS | Integrated Accounting Systems |
IBBI | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India |
IBPS | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
IBS | International Banking Statistics |
IBU | International Banking Unit |
ICAI | Institute of Chartered Accountants of India |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICAR | Indian Council of Agricultural Research |
ICCW | Indian Council for Child Welfare |
ICDS | Integrated Child Development Service |
ICMR | Indian Council of Medical Research |
ICOR | Incremental Capital Output Ratio |
ICRA | Investment information and Credit Rating Agency |
ICRC | International Committee of Red Cross |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDD | Industrial Development Department |
IDR | Indian Depository Receipts |
IDRBT | Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology |
IEPF | Investors Education and Protection Fund |
IES | Indian Economic Service |
IEX | Indian Energy Exchange |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFR | Investment Fluctuation Reserve |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standard |
IFS | International Financial Statistics |
IFTU | International Federation of Trade Unions |
IFWJ | Indian Federation of Working Journalists |
IGLS | Iterative Generalized Least Squares |
IIBF | Indian Institute of Banking and Finance |
IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
IIPA | Indian Institute of Public Administration |
IISS | International Institute of Strategic Studies |
ILO | International Labor Organization |
IMD | India Millennium Deposits |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
IMRB | Indian Market Research Bureau |
IMT | Instant Money Transfer |
INDU | Indian National Defence University |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
IPEC | International Program on Elimination of Child Labor |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IPPB | India Post Payments Bank |
IPR | Intellectual Property Right |
IRA | Individual Retirement Account |
IRBI | Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India |
IRDA | Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority |
IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Planning |
IRR | Internal Rate Of Return |
ISIC | International Standard Industrial Classification |
ISO | International Standardization Organization |
ISS | International Space Station |
IT | Income Tax |
ITDC | Indian Tourism Development Corporation |
ITER | International Thermonuclear Experiment Reactor |
ITO | Income-Tax Officer |
ITRS | International Transaction Reporting System |
ITU | International Tele-Communication Union |
JNNURM | Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission |
KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
KPO | Knowledge Process Outsourcing |
KVIC | Khadi and Village Industries Corporation |
KVP | Kisan Vikas Patra |
LAB | Local Area Bank |
LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
LBS | Locational Banking Statistics |
LDB | Land Development Bank |
LDC | Least Developed Countries |
LERMS | Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System |
LIBOR | London Inter Bank Offer Rate |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation of India |
LIC | Life Insurance Corporation Of India |
LLC | Limited Liability Company |
LLP | Limited Liability Partnership |
LOI | Letter Of Intent |
LTCG | Long-Term Capital Gains |
MAIT | Manufacturers’ Association for Information Technology |
MAT | Minimum Alternative Tax |
MCA | Ministry Of Company Affairs |
MCLR | Marginal Cost of Lending Rate |
MCX | Multi Commodity Exchange |
MDG | Millennium Development Goals |
MEP | Minimum Export Price |
MFA | Multi-Fiber Agreement |
MFDF | Micro Finance Development Fund |
MFI | Micro Finance Institution |
MFIN | Micro Finance Institution Network |
MFN | Most Favored Nation |
MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition |
MIN | Mutual-Fund Identification Number |
MIS | Management Information System |
MNC | Multi-National Corporation |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MRM | Monitoring and Review Mechanism |
MSME | Micro Small and Medium Enterprises |
MSP | Minimum Support Price |
MSS | Market Stabilization Scheme |
MTN | Medium Term Note |
MTO | Multilateral Trade Organization |
MUDRA | Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency |
NABARD | National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development |
NACP | National Aids Control Program |
NADA | National Anti-Doping Agency |
NAFED | National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd |
NAFTA | North America Free Trade Agreement |
NAIO | Non Administratively Independent Office |
NAMA | Non-Agriculture Market Access |
NAS | National Account Statistics |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAV | Net Asset Value |
NBFC | Non-Banking Finance Companies |
NCAER | National Council of Applied Economic Research |
NCDC | National Cooperative Development Corporation |
NCERT | National Council of Education Research And Training |
NCHER | National Commission for Higher Education & Research |
NCND | Non-Circumvent and Non-Disclosure |
NCPCR | National Commission for Protection of Child Rights |
NDA | Net Domestic Asset |
NDC | National Development Council |
NDS | Negotiated Dealing Systems |
NDTL | Net Demand And Time Liability |
NEC | Not Elsewhere Classified |
NECS | National Electronic Clearing System |
NEER | Nominal Effective Exchange Rate |
NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer |
NEGP | National E-Governance Plan |
NELP | New Exploration Licensing policy |
NEP | National Education Policy |
NFA | Non-Foreign Exchange Assets |
NFO | New Fund Offers |
NFS | National Financial Switch |
NHAI | National Highways Authority of India |
NHDP | National Highways Development Project |
NHRC | National Human Rights Commission |
NIA | National Investigation Agency |
NIB | Nordic Investment Bank |
NIC | National Industrial Classification |
NIF | Note Issuance Facility |
NIFTY | National Stack Exchange Fifty |
NIO | National Institute of Oceanography |
NLMA | National Literacy Mission Authority |
NMDC | National Mineral Development Corporation |
NNML | Net Non-Monetary Liabilities |
NNP | Net National Production |
NPA | Non-Performing Assets |
NPCI | National Payments Corporation Of India |
NPD | Net Primary Deficit |
NPR | National Population Register |
NPS | National Pensions Scheme |
NPV | Net Present Value |
NRE | Non-Resident External |
NRG | Non-Resident Government |
NRI | Non Resident Indian |
NSC | National Statistical Commission |
NSDL | National Securities Depository Limited |
NSE | National Stock Exchange |
NSSF | National Small Savings Fund |
NSSO | National Sample Survey Organization |
NTPC | National Thermal Power Corporation |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
OCB | Overseas Corporate Bodies |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
OECD | Organization of Economic Co-Operation and Development |
OFI | Other Financial Institutions |
OGL | Open General License |
OIC | Organization of Islamic Countries |
OIL | Oil India Limited |
OLTAS | On-Line Tax Accounting System |
OMC | Oil Marketing Companies |
OMO | Open Market Operations |
ONGC | Oil And Natural Gas Commission |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
OTCEI | Over-The-Counter Exchange of India |
OTP | One-Time Password |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee |
PACF | Partial Auto-Correlation Function |
PACS | Primary Agriculture Credit Societies |
PATA | Pacific-Asia Travel Association |
PCI | Per Capita Income |
PDO | Public Debt Office |
PDS | Public Distribution System |
PES | Public Enterprises Survey |
PFRDA | Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
PGS | Payment Gateway System |
PIL | Public Interest Litigation |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PIO | Persons of Indian Origin |
PIS | Portfolio Investment Scheme |
POA | Power of Attorney |
PoS | Point of Sale |
PPF | Public Provident Fund |
PPIs | Prepaid Payment Instruments |
PPP | Public private partnership |
PRB | Primary Revenue Balance |
PRSF | Partial Risk Sharing Facility |
PSE | Public Sector Enterprises |
PSI | Pound per Square Inch |
PSP | Profit Sharing Plan |
PTA | Preferential Trade Area |
PTC | Pass Through Certificate |
QFI | Qualified Foreign Individuals |
QIB | Qualified Institutional Buyer |
QIP | Qualified Institutional Placement |
QR | Quantitative Restriction |
REC | Rural Electrification Corporation |
REIT | Real Estate Investment Trust |
RFC | Resident Foreign Currency |
RIB | Resurgent India Bonds |
RIDF | Rural Infrastructure Development Fund |
RLA | Recoveries of Loans & Advances |
RLC | Repayment of Loans to Centre |
RoA | Return On Assets |
RoE | Return On Equity |
ROI | Return On Investment |
ROIC | Return On Invested Capital |
RONA | Return On Net Assets |
ROS | Return On Sales |
RPA | Rupee Payment Area |
RRPI | Rural Retail Price Index |
RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement |
RTP | Reserve Tranche Position |
RUF | Revolving Underwriting Facility |
RWA | Risk Weighted Assets |
SAARC | South Asian Association for Regional Co-Operation |
SAIL | Steel Authority of India Limited |
SAM | Social Accounting Matrix |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
SCB | Scheduled Commercial Bank |
SCC | Selective Credit Control |
SDBS | Service Discharge Benefit Scheme |
SDR | Special Drawing Rights |
SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
SEC | Securities Exchange Commission |
SECC | Socio Economic & Caste Census |
SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area |
SEWA | Self Employed Woman’s Association |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone |
SFC | State Financial Corporation |
SFMS | Structured Financial Messaging Services |
SGB | Sovereign Gold Bond |
SHG | Self Help Group |
SIDC | State Industrial Development Corporation |
SIFI | Systematically Important Financial Intermediaries |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan |
SIPS | Systemically Important Payment System |
SIV | Structured Investment Vehicle |
SJSRY | Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLR | Statutory Liquidity Ratio |
SLRS | Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers |
SME | Small and Medium Industries |
SMG | Standing Monitoring Group |
SNA | System of National Accounts |
SPNS | Shared Payment Network System |
SPV | Special Purpose Vehicle |
SSI | Small Scale Industries |
SSSBE | Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises |
STT | Securities Transaction Tax |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
TA&DA | Travelling Allowance & Dearness Allowance |
TAN | Tax-deduction Account Number |
TDR | Ticket Deposit Receipt |
TIFR | Tata Institute Of Fundamental Research |
TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number |
TISCO | Tata Iron and Steel Company |
TPDS | Targeted Public Distribution System |
TRIMs | Trade Related Investment Measures |
TRIPS | Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights |
TRYSEM | Training of Rural Youth for Self-Employment |
TSA | Tax-Sheltered Annuity |
TSR | Total Shareholder Return |
UBB | Uniform Balance Book |
UBD | Urban Banks Department |
UBIN | Unique Business Identification Number |
UCN | Uniform Code Numbers |
UEBA | Universal Electronic Bank Account |
UIDAI | Unique Identification Authority of India |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNDP | United Nations Development Program |
UNFPO | United Nations Fund for Population Activities |
UPI | Unified Payments Interface |
UPIN | Unique Property Identification Numbers |
USB | Ultra Small Branch |
USD | United States Dollar |
USP | Unique Selling Proposition |
USSD | Unstructured Supplementary Service Data |
UTI | Unit Trust of India |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VDBS | Vertically Differentiated Banking System |
VDIS | Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme |
VPA | Virtual Payment Address |
VRS | Voluntary Retirement Scheme |
WBCIS | Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme |
WC | Working capital |
WCTL | Working Capital Term Loan |
WEF | World Economic Forum |
WMA | Ways and Means Advances |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
AIF full form in hindi
आपने Alternative Investment Fund यानी अल्टरनेटिव इन्वेस्टमेंट फंड (AIF क्या है ) के बारे में पढ़ा, यदि अभी आपके मन में “AIF full form” से जुडी कोई भी doubts है,इसके अलावे आप ऊपर दिए गए Banking & Financial Full Form से Related और भी कई सारे banking और Financial Full Form को पढ़ा सकते है.
यदि यह पोस्ट आपके लिए Informative और Helpful लगी तो आप इसे Share ज़रूर करे, यदि आपको इस post से सम्बन्धित कोई सवाल सुझाव या कोई त्रुटी हो तो नीचे comment करें या हमें contact करे
क्या आप मुझे ब्लॉगिंग सिखा सकते हैं
आपके इस ब्लाक के साथ में काफी समय से जुड़ा हूं, और हर ने पोस्ट में मुझे कुछ नया सीखने को मिलता है
हमारे साथ जोड़ने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद.